All Categories Data interpretation and the Telraam API Consult and interpret Telraam data: a general overview

Consult and interpret Telraam data: a general overview

Learn where to find your data and how to interpret the statistics per time period, overview per day, overview in detail, average per 24 hours, car speed, 24h average per direction and percentage per type.


Find your data on the Telraam map 

Once you had a full day of counting, your data will be visible on the Telraam map. The first data will be probably be not accurate from the first moment, because your Telraam needs time to calibrate. The time displayed on the public page is the local time of the segment, set during installation.

Your street segment appears in green on the map if your device is counting. This means it's now an active street portion. The exact location of your Telraam (e.g. house number) is not shown. On the same map, you find data of other counting points in your neighbourhood or municipality.


    Hover over the street segment to see the data of the last hour
    Click on the street segment to see more data at the right side
    Click on 'more data', to see a variety of statistics. We discuss all these sort of data in the rest of this article.



1. Statistics per time period

Select a time period in the menu above the statistics. This is periode is used for all of the data on this page. The first data provided shows the counting per modality. Note that Telraam S2 has nightcounts as well, these include all motorized vehicles into one category. Read more in: "Nightcounts with Telraam S2".



2. Overview per day

This are the daily statistics for the time period you choose, by type of vehicle.

In case of a V1 device: For some, the two-wheeler/car/large vehicle split does not feel right. This could have several causes, like sun-reflection, no clear view, not the right camera angle, ... Or you might find the amount of large vehicles suspiciously large, but this will get better the more data your Telraam has. For more information on these topics, please read the following article: "Potential inaccuracies with Telraam".



3. Overview in detail

An hour by hour statistic is displayed here for each day. Please note that your device does not count during the night. Hover over de statistics with your mouse, and you'll see the details.

When you hover over the dates and the hour appears, e.g. 9am, this means that this bar is the dates from 9 - 10am.



As you go through the segments of the same day, you will notice that some time slots appear with the label "Poor quality". This means you should not trust the data of this hour. Read more about the causes and how to avoid poor quality data here.


4. Average per 24 hours

The next graph shows a comparative average made by compiling the daily data of your Telraam, hour by hour and per type of vehicle. You can therefore see how many vehicles pass on average at each moment of the day in your street segment (whether it is during weekdays, weekends or globally).



5. Car speed 

This graph shows the speed of cars observed by your Telraam in percentage and by speed range. The speeds are indicative. The measurements may differ from the actual speeds by up to 10%. If you want to know more about the accuracy, outliers and speed for large vehicles, please read the following article: "Speed measurement and unrealistic speed data ".



6. Car speed v85

The V85 or the 85th percentile speed is the speed that 85% of drivers do not exceed, and 15% of drivers exceed. or the 85th percentile speed is the speed that 85% of drivers do not exceed, and 15% of drivers exceed.

It is a widely used indicator in the world of mobility and road safety, as it is considered to be representative of the speed that can reasonably be maintained on a road. For more details about the V85, see the following article: "Speed measurement: V85 explained ".



7. 24h average per direction

This graph shows the traffic statistics in your street segment by traffic direction. As you can see the statistics are separated between those going "From A to B" and those going "From B to A".CleanShot-2022-07-19-at-15.31.19@2x.png

To identify which way it is, go to the top of your dashboard, your street segment is represented on a precise map and points A and B are indicated.




8. Percentage per type

In this graph, the percentage of data recorded by type of vehicle is shown in pie chart.


9.  Telraam installations on this site

The last table on this page is the history of your Telraam. On the left are the dates when the Telraam was installed or reinstalled, then the status (active/non-active) and finally the type of vehicles that could be identified on your street segment in both directions (in this case, cars, bikes and pedestrians).


We wish you a lot of fun consulting and analysing this data!


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